Pirahna 3-D

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Pirahna 3-D

Take away the gore and all those pesky fish and this film pretty much reflects what much of Senor Sock's summer was like.

Kelly Brook plays a "Girl Gone Wild" along with

Riley Steele. They go to Lake Victoria in Arizona (actually Lake Havasu) with sleezy "Girls Gone Wild" Producer Derrik Jones (Jerry O'Connell). There they recruit young local Jake Forrester (Steven R. McQueen, grandson of Steve McQueen) to show them around. Jake's dream of witnessing a sleazefest is soured when Kelly, the girl of his dreams (Jessica Szor) comes along as well and now he has to spend the whole time keeping her from "going wild".

Jessica Szor

But I digress.

The film actually opens up with Richard Dreyfuss reprising his character from "Jaws" fishing in the lake. A earthquake opens up a underwater cavern and all these nasty, hungry prehistoric pirahna fish come to the surface, After polishing off Dreyfuss quicker than Ebert's review of this film, they begin to hunt for other prey.

They don't have to look very far, since spring break has begun and the water is full of hot, nubile young bodies partying in the sun. Sheriff Brody--I mean Sheriff Forester (Elizabeth Shue) has to try and get all the drunks off the lake before they become pirahna fodder. As you can see, she is less than completely successful.

Suddenly things get messier than Al Gore at an "all-you-can-eat" seafood buffet.  Vin Rhames has some good moments trying to fight off the fish with a shotgun and then an outboard motor, but once the gore starts, the film stops being fun and stupid and instead becomes gory and stupid.

There are some fine 3-D nude scenes showing a lot of the double D's of both Brooke and Steele, and there are some funny moments with O'Connell as he chews all the scenery the pirahnas do not and Christopher Lloyd as a professor and fish expert, but there's not enough of those moments. Dreyfuss is only seen in the opening sequence and you wish they'd have done more "Jaws" references in his brief sceen time. Shue has a nice moment warning Jake that he's counting on him as a babysitter (referencing her "Adventures in Babysitting" film) but otherwise we have way too many fish and not enough laughs.

Better they should have kept the movie fun and sexy and perhaps taken a lift from Spielberg's "Jaws" and NOT shown the pirahna quite so much or so often. Me, I would much rather watch Riley Steele swimming naked than some fish gobble her up.

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Brief Description
