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If you like your zombie movies funny more than scary, you've come to the right place.

Jesse Eisenberg ("Adventureland", "The Village") stars as Columbus, one of the few humans left in a world that's been taken over by zombies. He's nerdy, wimpy and afraid of everything from clowns to cloths used to wipe down tables at restaurants. He credits his survival to several rules he has (Rule #1: Cardio--stay fit to outrun zombies; Rule #2--Beware of Bathrooms; Rule #3--Use Seatbelts; Rule #4--Doubletap; Rule #5--No attachments; etc. etc.). He decides to leave school after being attacked by a beautiful hot zombie (Amber Heard) from apartment 406 and return to his home in Columbus, Ohio to see if his family still lives. Along the way he runs into Tallahasse (Woody Harrelson) a bad ass, shotgun wielding survivor whose only goals are to live and find the last twinkie. In fact it is Tallahasse who names everyone by the city they are from. It's his belief names only make it more painful when people die (see rule #5).

Tallahasse's search takes them into abandoned grocery stores where they are attacked by crazed zombies who Tallahasse takes out with extreme prejudice. Yes, it can be violent and bloody, but its funny!

Along the way they run into a couple of con artist sisters, hotty Emma Stone as Witchita and Abrigal Breslin as her little sister Little Rock. The girls have heard there is a safe place free of zombies: the happiest place on earth, a California amusement park.

Emma Stone by the way is pretty darn hot. But I digress.

They go to LA but before going to the amusement park, go down Hollywood Boulevard and find a map to the stars homes. Then what follows is the big secret surprise cameo that everybody says is the highlight of the movie.

They are right. It is the best part and the reason you MUST see "Zombieland", if not in the theaters, then on DVD. It's that good.

The film ends with a big scene at the amusement park, but as in all road pictures, its not the destination, its the journey.  Although I found Eisenberg in particular to be a bit tiresome as the film wore on (and it did appear to me that the filmmakers felt the same way as the other characters got more and more of the screen time), I found "Zombieland" to be an enjoyable comedy-action picture that's easy going and never takes itself too seriously.  I recomend it, despite Stone's disappointing lack of nude scenes (there is a zombie stripper however) and Eisenberg's weak face off with the clown zombie.

It works as a parody ala "Shaun of the Dead" (which frankly I liked, but didn't find as amusing as I thought I would) and a low-level horror film like "Tremors" or "8 Legged Freaks"--a fun ride...and what else can you ask for in  amovie these days?

Directed by Reuben Fleischer; Screenplay by Rhett Reese & Paul Wernick

Citizen Frog

With Lamb Chop in a scene from the upcoming puppet epic, "Citizen Frog".


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