Where the Wild Things Are

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Where the Wild Things Are

What a disappointment this film was. Instead of the wild things referred to in the promising title, we are given a story about some kid and a bunch of H.R. Puffensnuff rejects.

This is false advertising at its worst. Audiences expecting to see real wild things will be bitterly disappointed and angry. If I produced this picture you'd have seen REAL wild things like

Anna Marie Goddard! You should see her after a glass or two of champagne!

And talk about wild, you're gonna need a net and a tranquilizer gun if you're dating Mila Kunis!

If you're talking Wild Things you must include Jeri Ryan.

And what do you think Seven of Nine has been doing all this time since "Voyager" got cancelled? If you guessed knitting or reading you're WRONG!

And you're telling me that Lindsey Lohan isn't wild?

I have a stack of police reports that prove otherwise!

Kendra's just the girl next door...

If you live next door to the PLAYBOY MANSION!

And let's not forget Little Bo Peep...

...she lost her sheep because they just couldn't keep up with her. "Where the Wild Things Are"? BAH!

This film should be called "Where the Wild Things Aren't"